88 Washington St. Taunton, MA 02780 – (508) 828-7036 – morton.fedcu@verizon.net – NMLS #809376

See the benefits of Morton Federal Credit Union

Enjoy these great services and more as a member of Morton FCU!


Share Draft / Checking Accounts

No maintenance fee

Compound monthly, paid monthly for balances over $1,000

Share Accounts

Compound monthly, paid monthly

Christmas / Vacation Clubs

Interest paid at end of club period

Money Market Accounts

$2,500 minimum balance, compounded monthly, paid monthly

Term Share Certificates

Compounded monthly, paid at end of term

$1,000 minimum / 90 day penalty for early withdrawal

Other Services

Free notary services

Mastercard Debit Card*

Direct deposit / payroll deduction

Account Inquiry Telephone line: (508) 822-7409

Deposits can be made directly to the Credit Union or through direct deposit/payroll deductions by arrangement with your employer and the Credit Union.

Withdrawals may be made with no waiting period.

  • Mastercard Debit cards are available to members to provide you with 24 hour access to your share/draft accounts. No transaction fee will be charged to members using Money Pass, Co-op Network or hospital’s ATM machine.

Any deposits or withdrawal made at the Credit Union will not be reflected on your check stub, only year to date payroll deductions. Quarterly statements are mailed showing all transactions which occurred during the quarter and the balance of your account at the end of the quarter. Monthly statements are mailed to members who have checking accounts ACH and/or Debit card transactions. You can also check your account balances at any time using your Debit card.